Emma Gardiner

Emma provides advocacy, advice, and opinions to health professionals, institutions, and individuals in the health and regulatory context.

P. 416 223 4222 x 4
F. 416 981 3086
E. egardiner@rosensunshine.com

“I’m committed to my clients’ goals and concerns, leaving no stone unturned.”

Emma Gardiner joined Rosen Sunshine LLP as an associate in July 2017. Emma provides advice and opinions to health professionals, institutions, and individuals in the health and regulatory context, and represents clients in proceedings in health, regulatory, and civil matters. 

Emma’s interest in health and bio-ethics issues began around the dinner table, with two physicians as parents. She completed her undergrad at the University of Guelph in biological science with a minor in neuroscience, successfully completing a research thesis on kainate receptors in the mouse cerebellum. But please don’t ask her to explain this. She also completed a Dual J.D. Program at Michigan State University and the University of Ottawa.

Emma articled at a full-service law firm downtown Toronto and was called to the Bar of Ontario in June 2017. Prior to articling, Emma worked as a summer intern at the Court of Appeals of Michigan. She was also a member of the winning team of the 2016 Out On Bay Street Moot Court Competition. 

Emma is a member of the Advocates’ Society, the Medico-Legal Society, and the Canadian and Ontario Bar Associations. She is the Newsletter Editor for the Ontario Bar Association’s Administrative Law Section. She is also a member of UHN’s Research Ethics Board. 

In her spare time, Emma enjoys playing the piano (badly), cooking (decently), and crafting cocktails (proficiently).
